

There’s nothing quite like a Honda Generator with its unique inverter technology. This guarantees smooth, uninterrupted electricity wherever you may be, so you're safe to plug in your laptop, or any other sensitive electronic equipment. Due to their quiet nature you can use these generators anywhere. Ideal for caravanning and camping, or out on the job site, they are able to provide clean, reliable electricity in the most extreme locations. We've built them out of light materials such as magnesium, so they're easy to transport meaning you don't need to waste your own energy carrying them.

EU10i Super Quiet Generator


The EU10i uses Honda's advanced four-stroke GXH50 engine for a maximum power output of 1,000 watts AC, and rated output of 900 watts, making it ideal for a wide variety of domestic and leisure applications. It’s perfect for camping or on the worksite.


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Used for leisure, back-up power or for the job site, the EU22i Generator really packs a punch! So whether you’re going camping, you lose power at home, or need it on the work site, the EU22i is packed with features so you’ll never be left in the dark!


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The EU30iS with electric start is powered by Honda’s GX200 advanced 4-Stroke engine, offering a maximum power output of 3,000 watts AC, perfect for a range of domestic and commercial applications.



The EU32i is the world’s lightest 3kVA class generator delivering a maximum of 3,200 watts AC and intuitive app control. From camping to construction sites, you will be covered with a reliable high-output power source, that is easy to move and simple to start.


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The EU70is uses Honda's four-stroke GX390 engine coupled with an Electronic Fuel-Injection system, delivering a maximum output of 7,000 watts AC and rated output of 5,500 watts. It is the perfect Generator for heavy duty commercial or domestic applications.
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